Find your freedom, flourish and fly!

Find your freedom, flourish and fly!

Do you sometimes feel that life is turning upside down for you; the walls are caving in and you don’t know which way to turn or whom to talk to? We’ve probably all been there at some point when life throws unexpected challenges our way that leave us feeling...
From Striving to thriving: My personal journey

From Striving to thriving: My personal journey

It’s winter solstice day today, that time of year when, as we bring down the curtain on the past 12 months, many of us are urged towards reflection; when we’re naturally inclined to look back at all that has been and all that we’ve done; everything that has brought us...
Make Time Your Healer

Make Time Your Healer

Well my, oh my it’s the 20th day of 2018 already and we’re past the half way mark for the first month of the new year. I wanted to stop by and say ‘hello’ as I have always loved sharing my thoughts with you here.  Last year was an incredibly busy one for me where my...