Why Transforming Negative Thoughts Into Positive Action Is So Hard To Do?

Do you drive? If so, at some point, you’ve likely had to start looking for a car. If you’re anything like me, you’ve done some research and decided which kind of car you’d like. Let’s say you’ve got your eye on a black Toyota Yaris.

Then something very strange happens. You’re out and about and you keep seeing Toyota yaris cars, maybe even black ones, all over the place. Every time you go out, you seem to spot another.

“This is odd,” you think. “There can’t logically be more yaris cars around than before I decided I wanted one. Now they’re everywhere.”

You’d be right. But the reason you are seeing more Toyota Yaris cars is that you are thinking about them more. All of us have something inside our brains called the Reticular Activating System (RAS), which connects the subconscious part of our brain with the conscious part. So if you’re thinking about buying a Yarisi, your RAS spots them and puts them in your conscious mind.

Noticing black Yaris cars aside, your thoughts and your subconscious mind are very powerful. They make a huge difference to the way you feel about yourself, how you live your life, and how you behave towards others.

Harnessing the Power of Your Mind

Perhaps you know that already. That’s good! But if you’re tired of feeling negative about yourself or want to value yourself the way others do, then the important part is doing something about it.

I can help. Passionate is an over-used word in business, but I truly am passionate about helping people get to the root of why they feel and act the way they do and, more importantly, changing it.

Transforming Negative Beliefs: Nina’s Story

Let me tell you about one of my clients, let’s call her Nina. Nina’s suffered abuse from the age of three. One of the side effects of the abuse was that Nina began to believe that to be safe, accepted, and loved, she needed to please those around her. If she didn’t please them, they wouldn’t love her.

I didn’t meet Nina until she was an adult, long after the abuse had ended. She wanted help with her chronic illness but still believed she wasn’t lovable or worthy of love. After uncovering the root cause of Nina’s feelings, we worked together on reframing this belief. I helped her see that love is something we all deserve and that she didn’t have to please others to receive it. Nina now believes she can live her life on her terms, without guilt or shame.

Reframing Your Thoughts

If you can catch the negative thoughts in your head before you start believing them, you can make significant strides toward living the life you want and being the person you want to be. The NHS calls this the “Catch it, check it, change it” system. It helps manage stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and boost mood, making a huge difference to mental health and wellbeing.

“Catch it, check it, change it” is a great practice to adopt, but sometimes the hard part is spotting the lies about yourself that you have learned to believe over a long period. If you’ve told yourself for many years that you’re no good at your job or unlovable, as Nina did, your brain will need training to recognize it as a lie so you can reframe it into a better way of thinking, feeling, and being.

My Transformative Programs

This is where my programs come in. I can help you get to the root of why you feel the way you do, and we can work together to change it.

Many of my clients say things like, “I wish I could just get a hoover and suck these thoughts and emotions out now. I’ve had enough of being like this; I just don’t know what to do with myself,” and “It’s one thing knowing, but another to actually make a change in my life.”

Is This For You?

Maybe you’re reading this and wondering if working with me is for you. Perhaps you’re feeling anxious for no good reason, find yourself worrying unnecessarily, or you’re having trouble sleeping and it’s affecting your digestive system. Maybe you’re struggling at work and can’t figure out why, despite working hard and trying your best.

You might realize that you’re struggling with low self-esteem, spinning too many plates, constantly doing what you believe to be the right thing and then find yourself looking at others and wishing you were more like them. Or maybe none of those situations apply to you, but you know deep down that something you went through years ago might still be affecting you, unconsciously.

Even if life has served you well until now, you’ve had a great life, nothing traumatic that you can pin point, there might still be something missing that you can’t quite put your finger on.

Taking the First Step

  1. Go for a Walk: Find a quiet space to sit down and contemplate. Grab a notebook and pen, and see where your heart takes you and how your inner wisdom starts to flow. These downloads are powerful!
  2. Observe Your Thoughts: Notice the inner chatter and become aware when that monkey mind starts playing up.
  3. Reframe Your Thoughts: Once you’ve noticed your thoughts, reframe them into a better way of thinking—thoughts that will motivate you to move forward in the direction of your goals, dreams, and ambitions.
  4. Ask Yourself Questions: What would you like more of in your life?
  5. Visualize Success: Envision what your life would look like if you had achieved that right now. How would you be? How would you think, feel, and act if you were that version of you right now? Then BE that person, right now.

Ready to Elevate Your Health and Life?

If you would like to delve deeper, I’d love to have a chat with you to see if one of my services can help you. Simply book your free 30 minute conversation here. If you’d like to just dip your toe in to the world of Rebalancing Life with Sadhna, then I invite you to sign up for my regular newsletter so I can keep you posted with future services, masterclasses and events online. 

Both the e-book and my programs and services use my patented “S.A.D.H.N.A system,” designed to offer a comprehensive and transformative approach to wellness, emphasizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

Start today. Put yourself first, and watch the transformation unfold.

Big love, from my heart to yours, 

Sadhna x


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Sadhna Chaman

Mind-Body Transformation Specialist and Second Generation Homeopath

I’m here to help you get the best out of your health by addressing the symptoms you are experiencing from the root cause, so you can live your life the way it was meant to be.

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