Are you ready to join me?

I’m Sadhna, a Mind-Body Transformation Specialist, committed to giving my clients a totally unique and holistic approach to resolving their health concerns.

I feel privileged to be able to help others transform their mind, body and lives through my work. My work fills me with joy and a deep sense of fulfilment. I feel healthier than ever – energised, empowered and on purpose.

But it wasn’t always this way. The journey to here has been both challenging and exciting, a windy path full of twists and turns. Balancing the demands of work and family life, doing everything I loved. In my 30s, my health took a real battering and I was diagnosed with an autoimmune condition. This came as a real blow to me as I had always considered myself as holding a positive outlook on life and I followed a healthy eating regime with regular exercise.

The more I learnt about autoimmune disorders through my work as a homeopath, the more reality started to hit home. “If this is how I’m feeling now, how am I going to get to, let alone live through, my menopausal years?” I asked myself. The fear of losing control over my future years became my driving force in regaining my health. I’m pleased to say that by adopting a natural and holistic approach I have managed to turn my health around.

My approach has also led me to the work I do today with my clients and is the culmination of the last 20 years of my own healing journey and my experience of helping others to heal. It’s a truly holistic approach, starting with the wonderful Reinvent Your Life programme that I have created with Time Line Therapy™ to help you heal your chronic health conditions and the root cause.

We all come into this life with a spark inside us, at our deepest core filled with pure potential, purpose and 
big dreams somehow life throws challenges and obstacles our way and the spark is extinguished. It’s still there, waiting for the day you decide to

Ignite It Again.

Client Love

'The stress and shame no longer has a place in me …’  Since our first session I have been through a process of parting from the baggage of all the emotions which were in my mind for years.

I had clumped all of these emotions as one big emotion. I had never thought of separating them, in my mind it was all one. I can really feel the benefits of what we did together a few days ago. I felt relieved that in my mind the stress and shame no longer had a place. I had already done so much work on myself, this was more the ending that I needed as I could not separate myself, by myself. The homeopathy is really helping me alongside in terms of my anxiety and digestive issues. I feel that most of the physical symptoms I have been experiencing were as a result of the anxiety and stress that I had been holding onto for so long. The more I let go of, the more headspace I feel I am acquiring for other things and being a better person, more importantly, the person I have been longing to be for so long. I have shed a few tears, they’re not even tears of hurt anymore, simply a story that I had in my mind and of what I went through. I would love my daughters to go through this process too as I think they’re suffering with the hurt and pain also, they too saw their mother grieving from a very early age. Thank you so much, I’m so glad I joined your programme. Sadhna. 

- SD, Canada

I feel far more centred and settled. Any issues that come up don’t disturb my peace for long anymore …’

‘I came for the session because I wanted to have a fresh start, I wanted to move on from past emotions and thought patterns etc. I didn’t really know what to expect and I came with an open mind. Sadhna explained the process really well and I felt comfortable going ahead with the session. She reassured me that it would not involve delving into specific details or events and that made me feel more comfortable and at ease.

The session proceeded at the right pace, not too fast or too slow. After the session I didn’t have any heavy emotions or thoughts come up and felt quite refreshed and ready to move on. Since the session I have noticed that I have been feeling more centred and settled and clean. Any issues that I have had to deal with have not disturbed my peace for long, whereas before I would continue to think about them and lose sleep. This is a big shift for me as I have had this habit for many years. Thank you Sadhna for providing this service.

- SB, Middlesex

It’s given me the confidence to approach situations in a brave and strong way by emotionally being in control …’

‘I decided to go for Sadhna’s Reinvent Your Life programme in order to develop more confidence in myself and learn to let go. Also, to think more positively, concentrate on more important things which are right in front of me and live in the moment. My experience during the session was feeling a sense of calm and relaxation and after the session I felt very sleepy and relaxed, it was like floating into the clouds. I really enjoyed the session very much! It’s given me the confidence to approach situations in a brave and strong way, with a good positive attitude! And also, the ability of being more emotionally in control by learning to let go of situations which are not important. I would definitely recommend this everyone.

- SD, Middlesex

‘I recommend this to anyone who wants to refresh their thinking ad make profound changes in their life…’

‘I have been feeling somewhat ‘stuck’ for a while now and needed help to enable me to ‘shift’ my thinking, so that I could move forwards. Having heard great things about Sadhna from my network, I decided to give her a call. Sadhna came across as natural an unpretentious and was easy to talk to. She told me about Reinvent Your Life which has helped a number of her clients to challenge their thinking and try to remove obstacles to their success.

Following our initial call, I took a few days to reflect and then decided to go for the programme. I’m glad I made that decision as since the first session I feel much better, have more clarity, and have re-evaluated my goals. I would definitely recommend this programme to anyone who wants to refresh their thinking and make profound changes in their life.

I do believe you get what you pay for and as expected, a programme of this nature is not going to cheap. That said, it isn’t a one-off expense such as a new handbag, it’s a real investment in you and the person you want to be.

If you value yourself and can invest the time and money the programme warrants, then go for it!’

- Rachel Alexander, Middlesex

I was very curious about the Reinvent Your Life Online programme that Sadhna provides and thought that I would give it a go, as it sounded like just what I needed at the time. I can’t fully quantify how insightful working with Sadhna has been for me.

From the get-go she was so professional yet warm and friendly and as a result was so easy to speak to. Through our conversations, she helped me get clarity on some of my deep-rooted beliefs that were not serving me and we worked on those in each session. The clarity that followed after our sessions means that I was able to see the lessons and how they helped me to grow, hence being able to rationally question my beliefs on a conscious level.

Each session with Sadhna, I would look forward to what breakthroughs I would make and the feeling of clarity and lightness afterwards. The notes that she provides you with after the sessions have been completed are mind blowing.

I got emotional looking at where I started to where I am now. Not only do they really help you to see just how far you've come, they also serve as a loving reminder to keep up the good work going forward.

Thank you Sadhna for this amazing gift you have, and the gentle yet powerful way you hold space for others’ transformation. I am deeply grateful and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend working with Sadhna to anyone who is ready for deep change.

K. Lota, Harrow

‘I have released those powerful emotions that had kept me ‘chained’ in every aspect of my life…’

‘So far, I have had two sessions over zoom. For me this process has unlocked deeply ingrained thoughts and feelings that I have been holding on to for the whole of my life since childhood. Despite seeking support from a number of therapies over the years I find myself still struggling to shift these emotions and find that fear and feelings of not being good enough still surround me in every area of my life, both in my personal relationships and at work. The programme so far has helped me to realise the depth and impact these emotions had on me throughout my life and as a result I have managed to release those powerful emotions that had kept me ‘chained’ in every aspect of my life. When fear comes up now, I don’t allow this negative emotion to hold me down like it did before as unlocking this chain of fear has enabled me to gain the confidence I had always been searching for. Thank you Sadhna, this experience has been invaluable.

- SP, Berkshire

I should have done this years ago by putting myself first for a change …’

‘This has been the most powerful life changing experience I have been through! I’m at a crossroads right now, with my career and my marriage, life has turned on its head and I needed guidance of some sort.  When I spoke to Sadhna I really didn’t know what to expect to be honest. Part of me was a little apprehensive but I realised that the clock is ticking away, decisions need to be made and I really needed to take ownership of my life and tackle my future head on. But I didn’t know how. The sessions with Sadhna proved to be the best thing I’ve done for myself. I’ve let go of all the stories I had created in my mind, the excuses I kept telling myself (to make myself feel better which I now realise were keeping me stuck) and the fears that never materialised over the whole of my life! 

I no longer have to turn to food to help me get through my challenging moments, I feel more in control. I used to see all these posts on social media about letting go, release the anger and forgive those that have hurt you but in reality, I found it really hard to do. I’ve also learnt that there’s a positive learning curve in everything I’ve been through, even the painful parts of my life and I can honestly say I can now finally move on and stop hiding away behind a mask.

It’s incredible how we store so much in my minds from our earliest years that we’re not even aware of and yet it’s impacting us today.   The best thing about this process is that I didn’t really need to delve in to my past, I didn’t want to go there and talk about it and I didn’t have to and I did it all online, I didn’t even need to leave my house!

I now have greater clarity to move forward with my future, renewed sense of confidence and self-belief and that I am capable of achieving whatever I want, no-one’s going to stop me or get in my way, not even my own mind! The only regret I have is that I should have done this years ago instead of putting everything else and everyone else before myself. I can’t recommend this programme highly enough, thank you Sadhna.

- SS, Yorkshire

‘I am relieved to let go of some feelings, fears and responses to long buried events …’

‘I decided I would like to try Sadhna’s Reinvent Your Life programme which included Time Line Therapy which I had never heard of before.

By the time you get to my age (in my eighties) a lot of past events leave challenges for the present and I carried a lot of guilt about various issues.

Sadhna explained how the sessions would proceed. Each time Sadhna’s lovely, calm voice took me back along the timeline of my life to my childhood, birth and beyond.

She was gentle and explained how to float back in time from high above and observe my life from above. It was a wonderful journey recalling my unconscious thoughts and memories. It was a fulfilling experience as I was coaxed to let go of my negative feelings which had been buried in my unconscious for many decades. After the sessions I found I was relieved to let go of some feelings, fears and responses to long buried events.  When negative thoughts now trouble me, I find it’s much quicker and easier to release and overcome them.

I think Sadhna approached the sessions in the right spirit and it has been a very therapeutic experience and I now feel much calmer in my approach to negative issues. Sadhna is a very good, capable and kind therapist and it is a very relaxing treatment which I would thoroughly recommend.’

- Sonya, Uxbridge

My circuit board of emotions has changed. I do not react to my previous triggers. I am not numb. I can take a step back and observe the situation. Allowing myself to ‘BREATHE’, ‘LIVE’ and ‘LAUGH’. Reinvent Your Life Online has increased my self-confidence, my self-worth and my self-acceptance to a level I have been trying to achieve for the past 10 years. All after the first session!

Sadhna's program came to me at a time where there was no ‘stability’ in my life. I had a profound trauma, I lost trust in myself, I was questioning everything such as, “Who am I? Why me? What do I want? What do I need? Where am I going? I am worthy enough?”

After my first session I received profound clarity, and motivation. No hesitation. Immense feelings of peace and tranquillity.

The effort is to allow the process to happen. The input is minimal. The output is profound. No need to analyse the situation or question others' behaviour. No judgement. No discussion. Just the process.

Gone are the, ‘what if's, hesitations and limitations.’ I understand my purpose. I am now embracing life. Living how I want. Living how I need. I see my value. Reclaiming my values, my power, my vision, and passions. Accepting me for who I am. Achieving my goals.

Sadhna, I cannot express my thanks for helping me to get my wheels back on track. My train is moving forward regardless of the surrounding challenges. Looking forward to the adventure.

Know your value. Invest in yourself. This is not a holiday. This is an experience that will give you the courage to do whatever YOU want.

S. Currey, Exeter

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